Saturday, March 12, 2005

And it's not even noon yet!

I have started my Zionism paper. It is, as one might expect from this blog's subhead, a francophilic Zionism paper, meaning that all the source's I'm using are in French and about France. My brain is a confused mess of falafel and crepes. Possible ways to procrastinate include blogging (check), running (but it's cold out; maybe I could just run to the convenience store down the street, buy a diet Coke, and run back...), meticulously cleaning my coffee maker (eh), and studying physci (yes, but that doesn't count as procrastination). Oh well.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You say, "eh", but assuming you have the good sense to possess a moka pot, attacking it with steel wool every few weeks is crucial to removing the bitterness inducing crud.

You are obviously lily-livered about your commitment to creative procrastination.

(And beware filling your brain with thoughts of falafel. The imaginary trans-fats are murder.)