Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Thankfulness and whininess

Thank you, Nick and Molly, for posting.

Today was an exceptionally good day for my blog--the active co-bloggers, combined with links from someone who hearts Will Baude and someone who hearts nanoscience, have all contributed to more hits than my sitemeter knows what to make of. Again, thank you, thank you all.

Today has not, however, been an exceptionally good day for me. Immediately after sitting down at the start of a two-hour French seminar, I took a sip of a mocha and, yes, the only day this quarter I'd thought to wear light-colored pants, and despite what I thought was a securely-placed lid...Long story short, a stain that not only looked bad but also looked, well, bad. So I rushed home after class, changed into different (and darker) pants, rushed back to campus for an astrophysics lab...only to find out that the lab, which involved looking at stars, was cancelled due to cloudiness.

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